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My Friend The Little Dog Prince

Raising a pet dog to learn with a webtoon

Raising a Lovely Pet Dog of My Own There are many kinds of pets around us. Among them, dogs are some of the closest ones to human. As dogs are friendly to us, they are loved by many as companion animals. But to raise your pet with great success, just having the right mind is not enough. First, your family should like the idea, you should check the environment of your house, and ..
Raising a Lovely Pet Dog of My Own

There are many kinds of pets around us. Among them,
dogs are some of the closest ones to human.
As dogs are friendly to us,
they are loved by many as companion animals.

But to raise your pet with great success, just having
the right mind is not enough.
First, your family should like the idea, you should check
the environment of your house, and prepare things for
your pet dog beforehand.

So how can we settle these matters?
This book has the answer.
This is a fun comic book to show children must-know tips
about raising a pet dog.

After you learn about "breeds and personalities of dogs",
"how to choose a healthy dog", "preparations for raising a pet dog", etc.,
while merrily spending time with the "Little Dog Prince" comics,
you will be able to choose "the best dog" for you and raise it without

Sometimes, while walking on the street, you can see puppies wandering
about without their owners or abandoned ones looking for food.
Why does this happen?
It's because in some cases the love and devotion for these pet dogs is
lacking but for others, their owners didn't know the right way to raise
them healthily.

I hope this book will help in children's raising
their dogs healthily with the right mind,
devotion and love.
written and drawn by young-ho kim

A cartoonist, illustrator, animation writer.
He liked reading comics and one day started drawing comics himself.
He has drawn many educational and creative works for various publishers
like Chunjae Education Inc., Doosan Donga, Kemongsa, Kumsung, Blue BIRD,
Kyohak Inc. and King Math. He lectures in Gyeonggi Arts High School,
Donga Arts & Comics Institute and is now working as a freelance cartoonist
and a representative/writer of Aniartoon.

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